Chiropractic Care Helping With The Opioid Crisis
Chiropractic Care Helping With The Opioid Crisis

Chiropractic care is a profession associated with healthcare that focuses on identifying and remedying physical problems related to musculoskeletal disorders without the use of opioid drugs or any chemicals.
By doing this, chiropractors are taking an important stance on combating the reach of opioids in society and are giving patients a natural option to treat their pain symptoms.
How Chiropractic Care is Helping to Combat the Opioid Crisis
We’re in the middle of 2018 and the opioid crisis looms over the US population larger than ever. The all American eating habits and lazy lifestyle plays a huge role in this crisis, riddling our bodies with toxins and other unhealthy materials.
Despite the combined efforts of various government agencies, the crisis continues to rise, claiming tens of thousands of American lives every year. Lack of pain management knowledge and the overuse of prescription drugs are the main reasons for this.
Considering the fact that the FDA has not been able to provide a long-term solution, chiropractic care for natural pain relief has recently become very popular among patients with long-term physical pain.
Alternative techniques are proving to be the new frontline to combating the opioid crisis that is slowly crippling our great nation.
What Is the Opioid Crisis?
Opioids are a certain group of prescription drugs that are prescribed by doctors and medical professionals for joint and back pains predominantly. Dazzled by the extravagant marketing campaigns and the confidence doctors put in these opioids, many patients don’t even give a second thought to consuming these substances non-stop in hopes of a full recovery.
While opioids may have some place in pain management when used properly, they also pose a very real temptation for misuse. In fact, these painkillers contain the same ingredient that’s required to make the two most dangerous addictive substances in the world: meth and heroin.
It’s not uncommon for opioid users to grow dependent on painkillers and a large percentage of these users, later on, move to hard drugs like heroin and amphetamines. Since the late '90s, the number of deaths due to opioid overdose has risen over four times as of 2017.
Opioids are never a permanent solution and all they do is temporarily numb the pain, leaving a false sense of recuperation which gets worse in the future resulting in increased dosages that ultimately lead to addiction or in extreme cases, death.
What is Chiropractic Care?
Simply put, chiropractic care is a profession associated with healthcare that focuses on identifying and remedying physical problems related to musculoskeletal disorders without the use of drugs or any chemicals.
Back pain, neck pain, and joint pain are the most common reasons people flock to chiropractors for an alternative treatment that doesn’t have any side effects.
Chiropractic Care: The New Frontier in Natural Pain Relief
Observing the crisis first hand, an increasing number of doctors and researchers are advising and campaigning for non-prescription methods to deal with the common ailments that most doctors prescribe opioids for.
Common ailments like headaches, back pain, and muscle pain are the most common reasons that people turn to opioids, but the fact is that these can be easily remedied by chiropractic care for natural pain relief.
Chiropractic care isn’t a simple and singular discipline as many make it out to be; it includes many disciplines such as acupuncture, massage, heat therapy, spine adjustment and more.
The main reason chiropractic care is becoming more and more popular is because unlike prescription opioids which have a lot of long and short-term side effects, chiropractic treatments incur no dangerous side effects.
The back and the neck are sensitive parts of the human body and the long-term effects of opioids worsen the conditions in the long run because unlike chiropractic treatment, instead of healing and repairing the muscle groups they just temporarily block the pain.
As of today, more than 20,000 medical and healthcare institutions have recognized the importance and relevance of chiropractic care.
Some of the most influential healthcare organizations in the United States—including the American College of Physicians, the Joint Commission, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention—have all recognized the importance of chiropractic care to fight the opioid crisis.
Healthcare organizations and professionals now advise patients to go for alternative therapeutic treatment before switching to prescription drugs.
Opioids, they caution, should only be used as a last resort if alternative treatments fail to alleviate the patient's pain.
The risks associated with over-use of opioids in musculoskeletal skeletal problems have taken the medical scene by storm as opioids are turning out to be as bad or worse than illegal drugs and yet they’re prescribed on a regular basis, worsening the physical and mental faculties of the patients.
As a result, more and more people and agencies are voicing their support for chiropractic care as it not only helps alleviate the pain caused by musculoskeletal disorders but also provides a complete cure in the long run if the treatment is maintained regularly and properly.
Turn to Chiropractic Care for Your Natural Pain Relief
Suffering from chronic neck or back pain and thinking of going to a doctor for something to mask the pain?
Instead of accruing tons of medical bills and the potential long-term health risks, why not go for chiropractic care?
Not only can you avoid the potential and very real medical risks associated with opioids, but your problems will be cured in the long run.
Give us a call at (336) 275-0836 today or reach out with our easy online contact form to learn how Cobb Chiropractic Clinic can help alleviate your pain naturally.
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8:30am - 12:30pm
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Saturday & Sunday
Cobb Chiropractic Clinic
1001 N Elm St
Greensboro, NC 27401